Monday, October 3, 2016

Sculpted Stone: Part Two

This stone is interesting because it features a number of different artistic motifs that I've mentioned in previous posts. For instance...

Photos 1-5--I was positive that I had seen these figures before. Sure enough, when I scrolled through my early postings, I discovered a stone that was featured on May 25, 2015. The figure on the right is very similar to the one last year. Both have big lips and appear to be kissing--or in the case of today's stone--devouring the other figure. A similar technique was used in both stones.

Photos 6 and 12-22--I see a mammoth head and if you look carefully, you can even see a bit of white at the end of the trunk that must represent the ivory tusks.

Photos 7, 9, 10 & 11--In a previous post, I've mentioned an artistic motif that I call the "pop-up head." To expand on that, I might also call it the "peek-a-boo head."  I think this is another example of it.

Photo 8--A face

Photos 25 on--This sculpted side makes use of the "X" which I talked about in the posting "X Marks the Spot." As you can see, I was so impressed with it that I went a little snap-happy when photographing it; hence, the large numbers of photos even after editing them down.

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