Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blue Stone With Mouth: Part Three

This is the third set of photos. I love the use of colour in the first few photos; the dreamy ghost-like nature of the images that follow; the complexity of pieces like this.

Although I'm not a geologist, I've come to understand that these ancient artists used specific techniques-motifs for different types of stones. This makes sense to me. They would have been working with what they had around them and as they did, they would gradually develop a keen understanding of the unique properties of each type of stone--what worked; what didn't. Once they were satisfied with an image or technique, they might well repeat it in another stone that was similar. That's what I'm seeing. There are definitely unique aspects to the stones, but also commonalities.

Blue flint was often used for dreamscape images which makes me wonder whether it might have been used for shamanic purposes. There's definitely a spiritual, otherworldly quality to some of the images; in fact, they have transcended time and still resonate with me today.

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