Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blue Stone With Mouth: Comments on Part One

I didn't have time to add my comments to last night's posting, but wanted to make note of the following:

When I saw the figure with the square red hat and hooked nose--on the left facing right in the photo below--I realized that I had seen it before. A similar character was featured in the July 27, 2016 posting Another Sculpture: Part Four.  In that posting, I made the comment that the head piece reminded me of a cardinal's red hat or a beaver hat. I've featured a close-up of the July figure in the second photo. It's interesting that the figure in the blue stone morphs into a humanoid creature facing left and even a mountain lion depending on which angle you view it.

I'd also like to point out that I've seen the wavy lines that are featured in the third photo in lots of other stones. I'm not sure if this is a natural feature; a natural feature that has been enhanced or if they are cut lines made by a human hand, but it's definitely something that pops up repeatedly as a motif. It feels artistic to me rather than something that was created by nature.

I could comment on other images in this set of photos; most of them are obvious to me, but as with any good piece of art, each person viewing it will come away with their own interpretation of it.

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