Saturday, October 1, 2016

Sculpted Stone: Part One

Some of the things that I can see in this set of photos:

Photos 1-2--A figure that looks like a bear with big eyes peeking over it. There also appear to be carved figures at the bottom right.

Photo 3--Carved figures including what looks like the face of a bear or wolf. It's more cartoon-like than realistic.

Photo 5--A close-up of the carved figures. These figures would have been more obvious when they were first created. Although I do not know when this work of art was made, time would have eroded its more subtle details.

Photos 7-12--Note the realistic rendition of a human eye. I have seen this in many different stones.

Photos 19-23--I see a face with an eye including eyelashes. Again, it's rather cartoon-like.

Photos 25-34--I've seen this split technique in other stones. There is a figure with a face on the right. At the bottom and top of the stone, there is what looks like heads of snakes.

Photo 35-40--This same figure with the face appears to be in what looks like a cloak with a pointed hood.

Photo 41-50--The obvious feature here is the mammoth trunk, but I can see other figures carved into it as well.

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