Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Simple Shaped Stone with Extraordinary Eyes: Part Two

Here are the remaining photos for this stone. Part-way down, you will see a rather amazing sculpture. While the images are faint, I think you can get a sense of what it looks like. It reminds me of something they might find in an archaeological dig in South America. I can't recall seeing anything similar up here in Ontario.

The interesting thing is that there is an old legend that there was once an ancient silver mine here in Brooke Township. Somewhere in my files, I have a copy of a local news clipping which talks about it and as I recall, the location mentioned is not far from our farm. I just mention it in passing because I don't know who, in pre-European Lambton, would have been mining for silver, but if true, the same group may have also been creating art. That's speculation on my part, especially since the story is one of legend.

And lest anyone think I'm exaggerating about their ability to create lifelike eyes, check out the last few photos in this posting. I'm just blown away by them; they're so good.

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