Sunday, July 12, 2015

Stone With Two Animals

The first thing about this five inch stone that caught my eye was the scene of two animals facing each other nose-to-nose. This scene is featured in the first two photos.

In addition to the usual faces, there are also a number of faint images in the stone. They are difficult to see with the eye, but come to life under a zoom lens, depending on the angle and lighting. I've tried to enhance a few of these images to make them easier to spot.

The one that interests me is the re-appearance of the triangle figure which I called a "hooded ET-like figure" in a recent posting. It has a pointed head. From my perspective, this figure seems to be an other-worldly or spiritual creature, but that is strictly speculation on my part. Since I do not know anything about the era or culture from which this work emerged, it's impossible to make a definitive statement as to what this figure represents. However, the fact that I've spotted it twice suggests that it might have some kind of significance.

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