Saturday, July 18, 2015

A World of Images in One Stone: Part One

I started out with almost four hundred pictures of this particular stone. When I began photographing it, I never dreamt that I'd find so many images in it. It has been an overwhelming task trying to whittle the number down.

I deleted about seventy-five percent of them, but felt that if I continued to reduce them, it would be doing a disservice to the artist who created this work. Rather than do that, I decided to spread the photos over three postings. There may be a slight duplication of images over the three postings as I tried to shoot them from various angles and types of lighting.

I hope I did justice to this piece and that you can see the many images hidden in it. I think they speak for themselves and give us a glimpse into Lambton County's ancient past--a world we've long forgotten, but which comes to life again in this work.

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