Sunday, July 19, 2015

A World of Images in One Stone: Part Two

Here's the next set of photos. To my eye, it appears as if someone used the natural features of the stone, but also added things like pigment and cut marks to create a wide-range of images and scenes. Often, there are scenes within scenes A single image can turn into many as you turn the stone in different directions. I admire how the artist--and how can you not call this art?!--used every inch of the stone to create this doorway to another world.

I'm also thrilled to see a re-appearance of what I initially called a triangle figure. He's becoming a familiar image in the stones that I'm photographing. I've started to think of him as "the wizard." It feels as if there is a magical or spiritual quality to him. He also looks as if he's wearing a long cloak or gown. This time, the cloak is in a darker colour than his face. His face tends to be in a triangular or crescent moon shape. In an earlier posting, it looked a bit reptilian. This time, it looks more feline and reminds me of a lion. I believe there are close-up photos of him in the next posting so you'll get a better look at him.

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