Friday, July 31, 2015

Figures With Smaller Stone-Within-the-Stone Including A Lion's Head

A range of figures appear in this stone including a lion in the last two photos. The latter might be a bear, but it looks feline to me. A smaller stone-within-the-stone plays a starring role in many of these images.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Reptilian Creature Holding Small Figure

This stone features a reptilian creature holding a small figure that looks like a little man. The head of the creature reminds me of a dragon; the little man is like one of those trolls that live under a bridge in a fairy tale. Additional reptilian, animal, avian and human heads can be seen from other angles.

The last five photos feature the outline of a human head; above it, there is a horizontal line that leads to a human head in profile. The different colour of this latter head gives it a mask-like quality. Although very faint, there is a small "X" near the mouth of the first head and what appears to be a bigger "X" on the line above it.