Monday, March 23, 2015

Flat Head in Profile

Last fall, I noticed this stone in the dirt. Its unusual shape and size caught my eye: a 4" X 3" rectangle that is rounded at the top; completely flat on the back and almost an inch thick.

When I got it home and examined it more closely, I couldn't see anything that would suggest it was a piece of art so I propped it up on a shelf and forgot about it.

Then, one day, I happened to glance up at it and suddenly realized that it was a head in profile.

For a long time, I thought of it as my Easter Island head, but the features on it are quite different than the Moai figures on Easter Island. Unlike those heads, these features aren't very obvious.

You can see a hint of an ear and nose; a dark mark where the right eye should be; a carved hollow for the left eye; some chipping in the mouth area to expose white stone for its teeth and a slight chin. 

There is nothing exaggerated about this one, but I think it's impressive just the same. Perhaps it is this minimalist style that reminds me of the Moai. Sometimes, less is definitely more.

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