Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Multitude of Faces and Figures in One Stone

If you happened to see this stone in a field, you might not give it a second look. 

Closer examination does show a hint of a face on it, but other than that, it appears to be an ordinary field stone. It is the other side that is truly extraordinary.

This was the side which was face up in the field when I found it. I picked it up because I thought it was unusual, but it was only after seeing a similar stone on the Internet that I took a second look at it. When I did, I began to see faces in it. Lots of faces.


However, it wasn't until I began taking photos of this stone for the purpose of this blog that I began to realize how many faces and figures appear in this one rock.



It's an incredibly sophisticated work of art; in places, it reminds me of a totem pole in that you can see several figures one on top of each other. In one place, it even appears as if one creature is swallowing a second who is swallowing a third.

It's not possible to post all the photos here, but suffice it to say, an extraordinary work like this convinces me that human hands were creating art in our small corner of the world from a very early time period.  

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