Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Multitude of Images Including a Possible Mammoth or Mastodon

I'm often at a loss to know what title to use for my postings because so often, a wide range of images are featured in one stone. For instance, this one seems to include birds, reptiles, lions, muskox/buffalo and humans. I wonder if the photos 3-5 are images of a mammoth or mastodon?

Recently, I found this online map of Southwestern Ontario which pinpoints the locations where mammoth and mastodon remains have been located. Many are within an hour's car ride of our farm; judging by the map, it has been mostly mastodon remains which have been found in our area, but it is my understanding that both were in the Great Lakes region.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Field Stone with Faces

There are some interesting faces on this stone. One includes a snake on the side of its head; the last photo seems to feature a fish-like mouth. The white colour give some of the faces a Janus-like quality. I rotated the first photo to better show the face.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Colourful Stone

Although it's not common in our fields, I think this is another example of Vanport flint which was featured in an earlier posting. I started out with over seventy photos of this stone and managed to whittle it down to about half that number. I'm just going to post them and let people decide if they see any images in this particular stone.