Sunday, December 20, 2015

Stone With Hole: Part Four

This is the final set of photos for this stone.

There may be some repetition of images. When I'm photographing a stone, I turn and turn it from every angle. Often, I don't realize how many images are featured in any given stone until I'm photographing it. It's a wonderful journey of discovery for me: finding the stone in the field and then, examining it under the lens. I'm often surprised by what I find.

And while it might seem that I feature an excessive number of images for one stone, I find it difficult to whittle them down. The editing process can take days. It's not unusual to have 400 images when I begin editing; usually, I manage to reduce that number by about 75%, but I'm sure some duplication slips through. However, I think it's better to feature an image twice than not post it at all.

In most cases, whoever created these stones used every inch of their stone canvas. I figure the least I can do is follow their lead and showcase them here.